‘’Great commercial’’, ‘’particularly interesting’’, ‘’Georgian delegation noticed the potential of our region’’
‘’Georgia meets Heerlen’’ event on June 3 in Heerlen was not only a historic event but also very successful. Invited entrepreneurs and specialists in various fields including tourism, hospitality, wine industry did not only learn about Georgia, the oldest Georgian Qvevri wine-making method, which is recognized by UNESCO as part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity but also had a chance to network with the Georgian delegation, other entrepreneurs, promote own region and companies.
Aloys Bruggeman, RE RA, initiator of the event, founder Heerwegen.nl : ‘’We can learn from Georgia how you can use your tradition and reinvent yourself into a popular tourism destination. At the same time I am happy that Georgian delegation noticed the potential of our region and offered our entrepreneurs new possibilities of cooperation’’.
Martin de Beer, alderman of Municipality of Heerlen: “Both areas are similar when it comes to cross-border cooperation and tourism developments. At meetings like this, we can learn a lot from each other about how we can best tackle upon these subjects. ”
Anya Niewierra: General Director Visit Zuid-Limburg:
‘’gave a lecture in Schunck about tourism developments in Parkstad, which in 2016 led to the WTTC prize ‘World Best Destination’. I spoke on the occasion of the 1st visit of an ambassador from Georgian to Heerlen. Georgia also aims for tourism. That is why. By the way, they made a GREAT commercial in 2016 … Take a look and enjoy … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wj3v_UPRauY ”
Jos Ploum: Director Limburg at Hof Hoorneman Bankiers NV: ‘’Particularly interesting information and network meeting in the Glass Palace in Heerlen: “Heerlen meets Georgia”, with the participation of Emile Roemer, mayor of Heerlen and his excellence George Sharvashidze, ambassador of Georgia. I knew the oldest wine culture in the world come from Georgia, but not that it was so beautiful! Thank you for the invitation Aloys Bruggeman RE RA!’’
‘’Georgia meets Heerlen’’ event took place in Schunck, Heerlen. It was the first ever in the history of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and Georgia official visit of the Georgian Embassy in the Hague to Limburg. Mr. George Sharvashidze, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to the Kingdom of the Netherlands visited Heerlen with his diplomatic team and met with the Mayor of Heerlen Mr Emile Roemer, alderman Martin de Beer and entrepreneurs from Heerlen, region Parkstad and surroundings.
Why Heerlen
Parkstad as a winner of Tourism of the Future Award and a region with strong international profile is an interesting partner for Georgia whose one of the biggest business sectors is tourism, too. Besides, Georgia is as well as Parkstad a regional hub, namely Georgia has a gateway market function to the rest of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Russia.
Trade mission
The visit was a trade mission targeted on presenting potential of both sides and establishing further international cooperation.
Georgia meets Heerlen’’ consisted of two parts: official with presentations and networking. Mr Emile Roemer, mayor of Heerlen welcomed all the guests and introduced Heerlen to the Georgian delegation.
Presentations and surprise
listened to presentation of H.E. Ambassador of Georgia Mr. George Sharvashidze
about Georgia as a promising market for investments.
Ms.Anya Niewierra, General Director South Limburg Tourist Board talked about
the tourism potential of Parkstad.
Mr. Aloys Bruggeman, RE RA entrepreneur and initiator of the event elaborated
on the potential of the regions and possibilities of cooperation.
The alderman Mr Martin de Beer was moderating all the presentations.
After the presentations three happy winners won the Georgian wine from the hands of the child Mayor of Heerlen, Victoria Bruggeman.
There was also a surprise digital visit of Jesper Zwart, Dutch tourist who was the 6th million tourist of Georgia and who was welcomed in a truly amazing way by Georgia while arriving in Tbilisi. Jesper is now a true celebrity in Georgia and he recorded a message for all the guests and a special invitation to the Mayor of Heerlen, Mr Emile Roemer: watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmGWWnMhUVA&feature=youtu.be
During the networking part audience could meet in person with the Georgian delegation, try Georgian snacks and wine. Georgian is a cradle of wine and Georgian wine has been produced for about 8,000 years in Georgian Qvevri wine-making method, which is recognized by UNESCO as part of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The event was attended by around 60 guests.
At the Municipality of Heerlen during the official welcome of H.E Mr. George Sharvashidze, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to the Kingdom of the Netherland and his corps diplomatique. From left Elsbeth Raedts (Municipality of Heerlen), Mr Levan Khorkheli (Counsellor), Ms Tamar Gvinadze (Consul), H.E. Mr. George Sharvashidze (Ambassador of Georgia), Mr Emile Roemer (Mayor of Heerlen), Mr Martin de Beer (alderman of Heerlen), Victoria Bruggeman (child mayor of Heerlen), Ms Beata Bruggeman-Sekowska (founder of the CEE center), Mr Aloys Bruggeman, RE RA (entrepreneur, initiator of the event)
Mayor of Heerlen, Mr. Emile Roemer, Mr. George Sharvashidze, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to the Kingdom of the Netherland, Mr Martin de Beer, alderman of Heerlen, Mr Aloys Bruggeman, RE RA, Heerwegen
Mr. George Sharvashidze, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to the Kingdom of the Netherland, Mr Aloys Bruggeman, RE RA, Heerwegen
presentation on the potential of Limburg and Georgia and possibilities of cooperation during Georgia meets Heerlen event, Schunck, Heerlen
Photos: Harrie Lambrichts, Embassy of Georgia in the Netherlands and Communications-unlimited.nl
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Harrie Lambrichts, 2019. All rights reserved.
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Embassy of Georgia in the Netherlands, 2019. All rights reserved.
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Communications-Unlimited.nl, 2019. All rights reserved.
Dr Poelsstraat 18 Heerlen